Average Guest Bathroom Remodel
$25,000 - $40,000
Bathroom with tub and speckled tile
Average Master Bathroom Remodel
$45,000 - $65,000
Bathroom Sink DWs Remodeling
Window and Cubbies in Bathrrom
Bathroom Double Sink and Mirrors
Average Kitchen Refacing
$30,000 - $50,000
White Kitchen and Island DWs Remodeling
Average Small Kitchen Remodel
$60,000 - $75,000
Average Medium Kitchen Remodel
$75,000 - $100,000
Average Large Kitchen Remodel
$110,000 +
Other Costs
Average Addition Cost
$300 - $400 per sq. ft.
Average Built-In Cost
$850 per linear foot.
Study with Model Airplane Displays
*These are just estimates. Please contact us for more information.
Local Experts Committed to Excellence!

DW's Remodeling, LLC is your one-stop-shop for all your remodeling needs. We value honesty and integrity, if there is something we don't or can't do we will let you know up front. Get in touch for an estimate on pricing today.